Do you ever feel this way?
I know what I want to be, but I don't know how to get there. I almost feel stuck as the person that I am, like I will never go further into who I was made to be. I want to be the person everyone can count on. the one you can call at 3 am and I will stay on the phone with you, whatever you need. I want to be financially independent; out of my parents house. (it's a good house, but I'm 22.) I could do that, but I have yet to finish college. I know that in the long run, it is better to stay here for free and finish school than to get out on my own and get stuck working and never finish college. I also know that more than anything else, I want to sing. (how cheesy does that sound? haha!) It's true. I believe that is my biggest calling; the reason I was put on this earth, however, I have not sang (and by singing, i mean on a worship team or band.) in over five years. Right now I do not have the time to commit to any such team but I still have the itch. I keep trying to get involved in the worship team at my church, and EVERY time I sign up for the meeting you have to go to before the evaluation, something important, like school or work, comes up and I cannot go. Then I think, "If i can't even make it to the meeting, how can I devote time every week to practice?" I feel that I have a valid point for this...if I cannot commit, the I cannot commit.
More than all of this I see a person who is so in love with God that this is her reason for being. Someone who really does trust God with her entire life, not just the parts that she can give up control (which aren't many), but her whole life. I want to be a girl, or better yet a young lady, who knows the voice of God. Not just as my God, but as my friend. I want to be able to hear Him in a crowded room full of people and the noise that goes along with it. I want to be able to hear Him in a quite room with no one there but me and Him. I want to be a person who is truly patient and slow to anger. I see myself at home when I get mad about something, or in traffic, yelling at the other drivers...this is not a girl who is slow to anger.
I wonder if I will ever be this person. Am I too hard on myself? After all, I am only human. We are supposed to strive to be like Jesus, right? But we aren't Jesus. He is the only one who is perfect. Are we striving for something we will never reach? I don't know, I may never know. If I ever get there, to be this person I so desperately want to be, will I be striving to be another person? An even better person? I sure hope so.
If any of you know me at all, you know that I am quite the perfectionist. Sometimes to a point where it is hindering to me. If I try something and start to fail, I will quit before I can. Or if I think I may not be good at something, then I will just not try it at all. I think I am the same in my christian walk. When I do something "bad" or "wrong," I tend to just give up on being this person I want to be. Every time I say, "This time I will do better," but still I make the same old mistakes, I cuss out the people in traffic, (calm down, they can't hear me!) or I skip out on reading my Bible to watch tv or just zone out or take a nap. Will I ever get to this new and improved Becca or is this what a christian life actually is?