Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Patience my dear.

   So I am the type of girl that once I decide to do something, I jump at it full force! I do whatever it takes to make it happen. I am at a point in my life where I am just sitting! I like to call myself the sitting duck, if you will. So I have been praying and praying about my next step in life and I think I'm getting it. 

   I believe in divine encounters, not only with God but with people too! A couple of weeks ago I walked into Starbucks with a book, my notebook, and my Bible. (This is almost a daily occurrence for me. I believe that there is no holier place to have my quiet time with God than the place I love the most; Starbucks!) This time was different though...THIS time, Kari Jobe was sitting right across from where I was sitting! (if you know me at all, you know how much I love kari and her ministry. or if you know her, then you know what a sweetheart she is.) Anyway, I was star struck! So excited inside...but I couldn't let it show. (Because then I am a big nerd!) The first thing I did was text my mom to tell her the good news, then of course some other friends....and I got the same response from everyone I texted... (BTW how stalker-ish am I?) They all said to go talk to her... my initial reaction: NO WAY! So I went on with my business...sipping my smooth americano (no room for cream! of course!) and reading my Bible. Then She got up and ordered a drink. While waiting for her drink, Kari came and stood in a two foot radius from me...Since we had already done the friendly awkward stranger smile, (you know what I'm talking about here...) I decided to talk to her, and before I know it, KARI JOBE has pulled up a chair and is having coffee with me! (She probably doesn't think she had coffee with me, but in my mind this totally counts!) She sat and we talked for about 10-15 minutes about my favorite subject; ME! haha! 

   Seriously though, that thursday afternoon Kari Jobe, my role model, stopped what she was doing for just a couple of minutes and took an interest in my life. This meant so much to me. she was able to give some really great insight and answers on some things that I didn't know where I was going to find it. All in all this encounter was from God, and I knew it. Kari gave me some advice on some really great schools that have incredible programs in the exact thing I want (and feel I'm called) to do.

   Ever since that "divine encounter" with Kari, I have been praying about one place in particular. I feel a nudge in my heart that this is what my next step should be. It is a 10 month program that starts every September. I would LOVE to go this fall, but i know that is not possible. For one thing I am just getting my finances under control again since I moved back in with my parents. I know that I will need money saved up. The second is; I have to play either the guitar or piano. HELLO! I play neither. But, because I have a little experience with the piano, I choose that! So I know I need to take lessons and spend this year practicing that. But, just for kicks I figured I should fill out an application just to see what I'm getting myself into...and it is a lot more in depth than I thought. There is absolutely no way I can go this fall, it will have to be next. 

   So I told this GIANT story to say...I think...I KNOW...God is trying to teach me patience. So okay God, I surrender. Teach me what I need to know. I give my life to you. I cannot do it on my own.

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