Sunday, June 14, 2009

If you just come with me....

   This has been a very fun and hectic weekend....I have been on the go the entire weekend. It started off with a night out with them fam. We went to eat, then we saw a friend and his band play at, what I like to call, a red neck bar! (let me make this clear; I would not hang out there if my friend was not playing there.) As I was sitting in this bar, I could feel a tugging in my spirit. It was a tugging that could only be from God. Saturday was busy from the start, The usual saturday errands began the day then Saturday night I went to the Rascal Flats concert. It was amazing. But while I was enjoy the incredible harmonies of one of the greatest groups of all time, I still couldn't shake this tugging. It was here, He was here. In the midst of the thousands and thousands of people, my God was sitting right next to me on the same blanket I was on. 

   All weekend long, I kept feeling this tug all weekend and I wondered what God was trying to say....

   This morning I got up and went to church. It is always an amazing experience at my church. I am truly lucky to go to a church where the leaders are not afraid to hear and obey God completely. As I am listening to the guest speaker, he starts to tell as story about an old man. This man was about to die, but before he did, he went to see mount everest. The man almost cancelled the tour because of foggy weather but the tour guide said, "If you just come with me, I promise, it's bigger than you imagined." So the man agreed and followed the guide. He could barely see his own feel, due to the fog. After a 2 hour travel, they finally reached the mountain. the man squinted and saw some mountains in the distance. He saw one that was slightly bigger than the rest and said, "I think I see it!!!" with excitement. The guide chuckled and turned the mans head upward and to the old man's amazement...It was HUGE! Bigger than he could ever imagined. 

   You see, this has been a very primitive time in my life. I cannot even explain it. I know God has an amazing plan for me, but I know it will take enormous sacrifice on my part. I may not always live a comfortably as I am used to. In fact I know I won't. I am taking steps to get to where I want to be, but it has been hard...and I know it will only get harder for a while. When I tell the people who are close to me about what I think God is calling me to do or what and where I think my next steps are going to be, I haven't gotten the reaction I thought I would. For some reason I thought everyone would just jump on board and say, "You can do it Becca!! That sounds awesome!" Instead I have gotten this reaction, "Why don't you just get your teaching degree, that way you can have a nice steady job." or "Good luck with that!" (in a sarcastic tone.) But it seems that when I tell people who haven't known me forever, or people that don't even know me at all what I think God's plan is for me, I get an enthusiastic, "Cool! That is so awesome! You'll be great at that!" So in the back of my mind I have been struggling with wondering if I really heard God's voice in this. But today at church I heard God saying to me, "If you just come with me, I promise, it's bigger than you imagine." (I was probably the only one in my whole congregations, 20,000 people, who more than teared up in this story.) 

   I don't know exactly what God has planned, or the exact road that will take me there, but I do know, If I just come with Him, it's bigger than I could ever imagine.

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