Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Today I bought a book...before you die of shock, I read every night. I just don't always talk about what I am reading. Anyway, I bought Strengths Finder 2.0 by Tom Rath. I recommend this book to EVERYONE. It comes with an online quiz that helps you identify and channel your top 5 strengths. I believe everyone should know what they are good at. I love to know what other people got too so incase you are the same way, here are my top 5 strengths...


Shared Theme Description

People who are especially talented in the Individualization theme are intrigued with the

unique qualities of each person. They have a gift for figuring out how people who are

different can work together productively.

Your Personalized Strengths Insights

What makes you stand out?

Driven by your talents, you enhance your own quality of life each time you reach out to

someone in need of assistance. Chances are good that you periodically investigate the “hows”

and “whys” of a given situation. You might find relationships between the final result and the

events preceding it. Perhaps these links enable you to understand how things came into being.

You may draw logical conclusions that can broaden your knowledge base. It’s very likely that

you derive much joy from assisting people in need. Instinctively, you may adopt a more

favorable outlook on life when you can identify the conditions that produced certain

outcomes. Perhaps you need to know why something did or did not happen. You might be

impelled to examine some of the details of specific events, processes, programs, or

mechanisms. Because of your strengths, you distinguish the fine points of each person’s

contribution to a conversation. You guide the exchange of information by drawing out the

singular perspectives of everyone involved. You help individuals bring forth their varied,

peculiar, eccentric, quaint, or unusual viewpoints. By honoring the uniqueness of each human

being, you enliven many dialogues.


Shared Theme Description

People who are especially talented in the Achiever theme have a great deal of stamina and

work hard. They take great satisfaction from being busy and productive.

Your Personalized Strengths Insights

What makes you stand out?

Because of your strengths, you work with intensity to advance in your job or studies. You

expect to be rewarded for your hours of effort. You want to be acknowledged for your

successes. It’s very likely that you sometimes feel good about yourself and life in general

when you exhibit the self-discipline to apply all your energy — mental and physical — to a

particular job, assignment, goal, or obligation. Chances are good that you set very high

expectations for yourself. Typically you push yourself until you reach your goals. You are not

content unless you deliver the best performance or produce the most outstanding results.

Driven by your talents, you handle tension quite well. Stress and strain cause you to

concentrate most of your physical and mental energies on the right activities. Deadlines

probably motivate you to be much more efficient and effective. By nature, you sometimes

delight in working or studying by yourself. When you team up with people, you might be

disappointed when they fail to appreciate your ability to outperform them. A few individuals

may be threatened by your work ethic, persistence, or diligence.


Shared Theme Description

People who are especially talented in the Competition theme measure their progress against

the performance of others. They strive to win first place and revel in contests.

Your Personalized Strengths Insights

What makes you stand out?

By nature, you may be exceptionally motivated when you are pitted against others —

especially when only one person can be declared the very best. Your desire to capture the top

prize or finish in first place may drive your choices or explain your behavior. Instinctively,

you may feel a bit dissatisfied with your life when you are deprived of opportunities to

engage in rivalries, games, or contests. Perhaps you are drawn to situations where only one

person emerges victorious. Chances are good that you use your sharp mind to outmaneuver

your rivals. Your original thinking makes you a formidable — that is, dreaded — opponent.

It’s very likely that you may yearn to be independently successful. Sometimes you rely on

your results to build your reputation as an accomplished and competent professional or

student. Because of your strengths, you might feel more enthusiastic about your life when you

can compare your results to those of others. Perhaps you are motivated by the image of

yourself standing in the victory circle and being hailed as “the very best.”


Shared Theme Description

People who are especially talented in the Futuristic theme are inspired by the future and what

could be. They inspire others with their visions of the future.

Your Personalized Strengths Insights

What makes you stand out?

Chances are good that you sometimes feel an urge to introduce yourself to visitors and start

talking with them. Why? Maybe you welcome the chance to tell one more person what you

dream of accomplishing in the coming months, years, or decades. Maybe you just want the

individual to like you. By nature, you routinely create vivid mental images of what you plan

to accomplish in the coming weeks, months, or years. You delight in sharing your dreams and

goals with others. Formal and informal discussions usually capture your interest and keep

your attention. You welcome opportunities to refine your thinking about what is possible.

Instinctively, you create detailed and vivid images of what the future promises. You can

describe it long before others can imagine it. Driven by your talents, you might declare, “Life

is grand” when certain people stop and listen as you describe your hopes for the coming

months, years, or decades. Perhaps you share your images of the future with at least one

individual a day. This may be one way you keep your dreams alive. Because of your

strengths, you have a capacity for envisioning what the coming months, years, or decades

could, should, or will be like. Frequently you are prompted to transform your ideas into things

you can touch, taste, see, smell, or hear.


Shared Theme Description

People who are especially talented in the Significance theme want to be very important in the

eyes of others. They are independent and want to be recognized.

Your Personalized Strengths Insights

What makes you stand out?

Chances are good that you live your life at center stage. It is risky at times. However, it is the

only way you will ever know how much people appreciate and love you. Being a person of

prominence and achievement comes naturally to you. You easily capture the attention of

others. You sense that you are most alive when you hear thunderous applause or receive

accolades from those who realize you are important. It’s very likely that you sometimes

derive satisfaction from helping people recognize they have reached their desired goals. If

they have not met all their objectives, perhaps you emphasize the progress they have made up

to this point. By nature, you might choose to surround yourself with productive people. Why?

Maybe they are not afraid of hard work or long hours. Instinctively, you want people to listen

attentively to you. You expect them to take seriously what you say. Driven by your talents,

you seek jobs and assignments that allow you to influence people to do whatever needs to be

done. You are eager to be in a position of authority.

This is what makes me who I am. I feel it is pretty accurate!

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