Sunday, January 24, 2010

my current soap box!

WARNING: may contain slight hippie views!

Over thanksgiving I went to my sister's house in Springfield, MO. She told me about this documentary, Food Inc. In my opinion, EVERYONE should watch it! It talks about the chemicals that is put in our foods, our meats more than anything. Also, the big companies, who are cloning animals to feed to us and altering the genes of our "natural" food, are putting the small farmers, who do everything the natural way (the way God intended), out of business! I'm not even going to get started on the way the workers are treated! For more info go to

I have always been semi-aware of the situation because my parents have shopped mostly organic for most of my life and I have been known to do without meat most of the time but this was still very eye opening to me. We, as consumers, seem to think that we cannot change things but we CAN! We need to choose healthy options and shop locally (local farmers markets are a great way to get involved). We need to protect the body that God gave us and stop putting so many chemicals, that we don't even know about, into them. I refuse to put chemically altered meats and vegetables into my body just because it is cheaper than the natural options.

I see kids today who are making meals out of poptarts or only eating chicken in nugget form and it makes me cringe. Like it or not, these are the kids that will be on the Biggest Loser, or another show like it, 15 years from now IF they are lucky! I believe it is our job as adults to teach the next generation how to make the best choices for a healthy lifestyle. How can we do this if we do not set a good example. What we choose to buy at the grocery store today is what determines what goes in it tomorrow. Let's make healthy decisions, if not for ourselves, for the generation to come. The first step is to make ourselves aware!

ok off the soap box! Love you all!

1 comment:

  1. thanks for this info, becca. i love that last paragraph so sad, but true.
